Friday, May 1, 2009

Aparagus Festival in Stockton

We had so much fun! We love going to the festival! There is always thousands of people there and the weather was beautiful and the streets full of fun!

We went last year for the first time. I had seen it on T.V. for several years and had always wanted to go. I finally got my chance. I talked the kids into, what we call, "out the the box weekend". This is when the kids and me and Mark have to try new things with out griping about trying it. There can be no eye rolls or faces pulled. We have to at least try something once.

We went, we ate asparagus and the kids loved it!

We had deep fried asparagus, we had tri-tip asparagus sandwiches, we had frozen fruit on a stick, etc. etc.etc.

This year was no different! We had a great time! Weather was perfect! And... we had some wonderful friends meet us there. John and Sue McBrayer (see pics) came and hung out with us!

We went to the sea lion encounter, we ate asparagus,we watched Tyson the skate boarding dog,we ate asparagus, we watch the Sky dogs, we ate asparagus, we check out all the incredible artists and crafters



We can't wait until next year!!

Next up...the Garlic festival in Gilroy! Get the breathe mints!

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